Stripchat VR

Virtual Reality 3D CAM S

Marissa had been sitting in front of her laptop for quite a while now. Undecidedly, she looked at the green lamp at the top of the screen, which indicated that the webcam was on. Today she finally wanted to take the step and try out sex over the internet. But somehow she did not really dare to do so at the moment. For a long time she had been toying with the idea of logging into a relevant video chat and watching complete strangers doing their own thing while she was also touching her most sensitive areas. Together with a stranger she wanted to build herself up to a pleasurable climax. She wanted to get him to write dirty things, show more and more of her body and watch how the offered views made him get horny. Of course she wanted to keep her face hidden. Because too often she had heard stories from friends who had later found their private videos and pictures on the public net. So she had set up the camera so that only her body was visible in the chat window, but at the same time she had a good view of the monitor and her counterpart.

Chatting via a VR 3D cam

Again doubts came up in her. What if the laptop were to slip in the heat of the moment? Although she was visibly excited, she couldn't get up for the last step. Once more she reached for her glass and took a strong sip of her white wine to get a little more courage. Thereby her head came again into the cutout of the chat window. She used this opportunity to study her pretty face once more and noticed that she was nervously chewing on her lower lip once again. Many of her former boyfriends had confessed that this expression was incredibly sexy. Apparently she bit her lips in a similar manner when she was aroused. On closer inspection, she was already feeling very presentable. Her big blue eyes were framed by a dark, somewhat tousled short hairstyle. On her chin she had a small dimple, which she found particularly cute and proudly wore to the show. She put the wine glass back on the table and leaned back comfortably on the couch. Hesitantly she looked at the browser. The page of the chat portal was already loaded. All she had to do was enter her user name and password, then she could start. A muffled pull in her abdomen showed that her body was already expectantly looking forward to the coming adventure. Her nipples had also erected steeply and were clearly visible under the thin fabric of her top. For her little adventure she had put on comfortable clothes. The fabric of her spaghetti strap top snuggled tightly and pleasantly cool around her shapely breasts. She had deliberately avoided a bra and panties. Now she moved her hand tenderly over her large B-cup and enjoyed the electrifying feeling that her caressing left on the beginning goose bumps. She would have gladly complied with her desire to put her hand into the super short sports shorts to caress her abdomen. But there should be enough time for that today! So why was she so hesitant now? To try something supposedly forbidden, it could not be. After all, it was not the first time she used the internet for her sexual activities. She had already taken pictures of her body before and uploaded them to forums.

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For some inexplicable reason, it always made her incredibly horny to imagine how other men used her pictures to get horny and finally cum. Only recently she had learned something interesting in a television report about sexual habits on the internet. It was reported that more and more people uploaded photos of their breasts or even their pubic area to have them rated by other users. After all, a resourceful company for pocket pussy had taken the current took advantage of the current trend and launched a competition. Women were asked to send in a picture of their vagina and have it rated by the male users. The winner not only won a generous cash prize, but also a 3D print of her genital area was to be used for the inner life of the latest pocket pussy. In a particularly horny mood she had finally sent in a picture. Just the thought other men could use the image of her vagina to masturbate made her crotch incredibly wet. In front of her inner eye she saw hundreds of cocks penetrating her sanctum sanctorum and got soft knees. Especially the thought that her new neighbor Mike would accidentally use her pictures or her pussy clone'to masturbate turned her on. Only two months ago she had moved into a new apartment and quickly caught an eye for the charming and good-looking artist. He had his studio in the same apartment building at the end of her hallway. Tall, sturdily built and with long hair, he fitted in perfectly with her type. He reminded her a little of Orlando Bloom in his role as a pirate. He had even sent her a small painting when she moved in, which she had of course hung on her wall immediately. She was a little depressed that the sporadic contacts were currently limited to the short and rather superficial conversations when taking out the garbage or collecting the mail. She would have liked to get to know him a little better. And even when he had been so obliging to set up her Internet connection, there had been no long conversations. Even when she had met him by chance at the housewarming party of her friends Alex and Jake, she hadn't been able to summon up enough courage to have a longer conversation with him. Totally frustrated, she had sought her salvation in alcoholic drinks. Finally, she had woken up the next morning with only a vague memory of the rest of the party. Slowly she began to type her user name into the field provided. Then her password followed in quick succession. Something made her smile about her pseudonym. "Super Pussy! But somehow it was true after all. After all, her entry for the vagina contest had reached a top spot. Sure, she hadn't dusted off the prize money, but she was still in the top twenty out of an incredible 400 entries. In a way, that made her proud. Once again she called up the submitted photo of her vagina. Especially for the contest she had taken the pain upon herself and had had her intimate area, which she usually shaved clean, waxed. But she could only take the photo a few days later, because her sex after the depilation was more like that of a baboon. She had taken the photo lying down. With a certain pride she now looked at her smooth shame. The fleshy outer labia framed the narrow slit. In it her slim inner lips ran and met just above the little pleasure button at the top. She personally could not imagine a more beautiful vagina and this seemed to reflect the result of the vote. Energetically she finally pressed the Enter key. Now she was logged in! But nothing happened for a while. Lost in thought she stroked her neck. The pleasant feeling of her excitement became more and more intense. If something didn't happen soon, she would have no other choice but to get relief with one of her many toys. She had her favourite vibrator within easy reach so that she could use it in her love play if necessary. It was playfully titled by the manufacturer, was in her opinion the best sex toy a woman could buy for her money. The small lay-on vibrator actually had two ears that wrapped velvety around the clitoris and sent the powerful vibrations to where they were most intense. With this little toy she had even managed once to reach the climax in only a few minutes. Finally a window with a chat request appeared. The little avatar image of the user at least looked very promising at times. A naked male torso with an implied six-pack made her anticipation rise again. She plucked up courage and clicked on the button. What she now saw made her heart jump up to her throat. The little picture hadn't promised too much, because a muscular torso appeared in the chat window. Like herself, her counterpart was anxious to keep his face hidden. But she would not have been able to look there at the moment anyway, because her gaze was captivated by the stately bump in her tight underwear. As she watched his hand move up and down over the clearly visible contours of his already considerably swollen stand, the spit was gone and the moisture collected in another place. With the other hand he seemed to be typing something on the keyboard.

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Hello! You look hot! Can you please hold up your thumb so I can see that you're not fake! She immediately knew what he wanted from her and immediately complied with his wish. Quickly she also assured herself of the authenticity of her partner through a similar request. From time to time it happened that a user of the video chat did not use his webcam, but played a previously downloaded video in the chat window. This hack could then be used to deceive inexperienced users and encourage them to do things without ever revealing anything about themselves. Hello back and hello to your friend in the pants! Can he grow any further? She asked him bluntly and automatically stroked her breasts. Of course he can still grow! But you'll have to do a little bit for that, too he told her and continued to massage his limb. She didn't have to be told twice, after all the game consisted of mutual give and take. So she pulled the upper hem of her spaghetti strap top under the base of her breasts so that they were lying freely. With her fingers she ran around the excitedly erected nipples and could see that they became even stiffer under the attention. Her partner had not remained inactive in the meantime and had got rid of his shorts. Marissa watched with relish as he held his fleshy limb with his hand and massaged it to astonishing size. He seemed to like the views very much. You're damn sexy! WOW! What breasts. I'm already stiff! He wrote to her with his free hand. I'm going to get really wet if you keep this up, Marissa replied to get him going. Her hand had meanwhile wandered down over her flat stomach and disappeared into her short sports pants.

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She found the current situation incredibly erotic. Her partner could be anywhere, on the other side of the world or even in the same city as her. Tenderly her hand stroked the smooth shame. There she noticed that she had really gotten wet and her fingers were slipping through the slippery, swollen lips. Let me see what you are doing with your hand there! Meanwhile, he rubbed his index finger slowly over the little ribbon under her glans. To put him under a little bit of torture, she pulled her trousers to the side a little bit at first, so that the view of her labia was only briefly revealed. Then she let the shorts snap back and rubbed herself faster and faster over her clit. As her more and more energetic movements were restricted by the pants, she gave herself a jerk and finally took off her bottom. Also her chat partner jerked his cock, which had grown to its full glory, faster and faster. It seemed as if he needed all his concentration to type in the next message: oh yes, show me how wet you are and do it yourself. He could have saved himself the trouble of typing, because Marissa had already sunk two fingers into her wet cave and was kneading her breasts with the other hand. As her counterpart seemed to be not too far away from his climax, she wanted to get her toys into action quickly to be able to come at the same time as him. I still have a little surprise! I really want to see you cum. BRB, so don't go on without me, she nimbly wrote to him, leaning out of the chat window to get her favourite vibrator. On the other end of the line, Mike could hardly believe his luck. It was really her, in the flesh and in color! But the chances of meeting his beautiful neighbor Marissa here had been very slim. Nevertheless, he had logged into the video chat over and over again, whose link he had spotted purely by chance on her browser while he had set up her Internet.

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He was downright obsessed with the idea that he could meet her there and observe her sexual activities. This obsession really started at his buddy Jake's party. There, by chance, he had overheard a conversation that his neighbor Marissa had been holding with her friend at a drunken volume. She had told him about her participation in a beauty contest for female genitalia and even mentioned the corresponding website. After the end of the celebration he had called up the site and to his astonishment he had noticed that there was only one entry from her city. The reverse, that he had her vagina in front of his eyes, had made his penis hard in what felt like milliseconds. He had had to jerk off several times that evening to release at least a little pressure. So he was, like several evenings before, on the relevant site and had begun to enjoy himself with a partner. He was incredibly turned on by the fact that the person opposite him could have been his neighbour in terms of physique. When she bent out of the chat window, he saw the picture on the wall behind her, which he had given her to move in. He looked at her naked body and was spellbound by the sight of her continuing to satisfy herself. Only now did he realize that she seemed to be holding something in the other hand. On closer inspection it seemed to be some kind of sextoy, because she had started to hold the object to her pubic area. Whatever this thing was doing, it seemed to be doing its job extremely well.

Stripchat VR